How do I access Rains Library-licensed articles in Google Scholar?


Library links are published to Google Scholar and visible when you perform a search in Google Scholar. If you're on-campus, "Full-text@LLS" should appear automatically in search results. To add "Full-text@LLS" to Google Scholar while off-campus, you'll need to configure your Google Scholar settings.

1. Sign in (or create) a Google account and navigate to Google Scholar Settings

2. Select "Library links" and search for "Loyola Law School".

3. Check the box next to "Loyola Law School - Full-text@LLS" and click Save.

4. From the left menu list, select Account and check the box "Signed-in off-campus access links" and click Save.

5. Begin searching Google Scholar and you should now see "Full-text@LLS" on the right side of your search results for resources available through the library. 

For additional helpful tips on searches, email alerts, citation export and more, see the Search Help page


  • Last Updated Sep 09, 2024
  • Views 24
  • Answered By Suzie Shatarevyan

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